The Knights of Columbus is not just a fraternity in name. We are a brotherhood of Catholic men who each play a part in improving the community around us. We stand together in faith, dedicated to uphold the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism while lending support and strength to parish, home, our community and fellow Knights.
Become a St. Peter Knight and grow with the Parish. Contact any officer or member to learn more. Or join online here:
There are two separate ways to serve in this ministry. One group of ministry members takes turns with altar linen cleaning and maintenance, and another group does dusting and tidies up the church on Fridays in preparation for the weekend Masses.
This ministry is for those who desire to visit and assist the members of our parish who are homebound or sick. One needs only a caring heart and a few hours a week to offer friendship to those in need. Background screening and safe environment training is required.
With the extensive landscape, the campus is divided in sections and assigned to families, groups or an individual to weed, deadhead spent flowers and prune dead branches. This allows for work to be done when it fits into the gardener's schedule.This is a wonderful way to get involved in a ministry as a family.
This ministry strives to share Christ's love with those who are grieving the loss of a loved one by providing immediate and follow-up support. The committee serves a light meal following the funeral service, to include set up and clean up. The ministry makes every effort to help with needs such as transportation for out-of-town family members to ease the family's burden during this stressful time. Each year, on or about All Souls Day, we honor loved ones who have died with a Rememberance Celebration that includes prayer and fellowship.
Providing a safe and happy environment for pre-school children of parents attending Mass and Adult formation on Sunday mornings is the goal of this ministry. The nursery is located in the Parish Office building, Room 1. Background check and Safe Environment training, provided by the parish, is required before anyone can serve in this ministry. Middle and High school youth are encouraged to assist in this ministry.
One of the best ways to get involved in the life of the parish is helping with dinners. Members assist with set-up, serving, and clean-up when the parish hosts a meal gathering, such as potlucks, Advent Dinner, Lenten Dinner, and picnics.
This ministry assists with the planning and decorating of the Church, especially during the Christmas and Easter seasons. Additionally, decorators help with large events like the Ministry Fair, Appreciation Picnic, and Retreats.
Sunday coffee and doughnuts is a way for parishioners to socialize and build community after Masses. Members serve Sunday coffee and doughnuts after the Mass of their choice when scheduled, clean up the kitchen and wipe off the tables before leaving. The refreshments are provided by the parish.